This string of midnight shifts? Texas Rangers mediocrity? The Dallas Stars losing in the playoffs and winning the Stanley Cup? Having to eat green peas? Oh so many choices to choose from!
Seriously though, I'm wrapping up this string of mid-shifts and probably have too much sugar coursing through my veins right now (note...I didn't say caffeine!) from drinking 1) a 24 oz. root beer at midnight, 2) a 12 oz. caffeine free Dr Pepper at 5 am, and 3) an Oregon Chai at 6:40 am. Just a tad bit too much energy right now which likely means I'm going to crash at church and fall asleep in the chair...
ANYWAY, my original intent on this post was to give a heads up to the (increased by at least 2) 4 readers that there is a chance I'll be leaving Amarillo sometime this year. Once again, a position has come up in Lubbock that I've submitted my application for. It will have to make it's rounds through the reviews and various folks before actually ending up on the deciding official's desk so I won't know anything for at least a month or two. But I'll keep y'all updated as to what the status is with this promotion. Yes, it is a promotion but still will be shift work. One step closer to getting OUT of full-time shift work...
And some other things that it is "The End Of...": sitting on my butt and not working on the Master Bath project. Not getting estimates for a couple of things that need to be fixed around the house. Free time as I know it getting the house ready "just in case". My hopes of getting the 7" lift, 37" times 5 tires, Dana 44 front and RockJock III or Dana 44 or Ford 8.8" rear axles, slip yoke eliminator for the next major iteration on the Jeep so I can save up the $$ for home repairs or a down-payment for a new house should I end up having to move. And last but not least (for a while); the end of my dreams for a nice, big flat-panel TV to replace the 12-year old one I currently have...
BTW, I'm trying to get better at including links to help the few that read this blog get a better understanding of what I'm talking about since some people think I'm too "technical"...
Blessed Assurance (Elevation nights version)
1 week ago
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