Here is the latest news from the housing front. The buyers of my home here in the Top o' Texas wanted to bump up the closing date by two weeks which is physically impossible as I still have to live in my house through the end of this week. SO, we struck a compromise and I close on my current house on the 21st. Whew! I'll have to make sure all my ducks are in a row for the closing but it appears all is coming together well.
I decided this morning to put an offer on a house in the Hub City so that process has now started. Currently am awaiting info on whether the house is still on the market and if the seller is even interested in my offer. Should that go through and the haggling isn't too far out of touch of what comps in the 'hood are (see, I'm learning the real estate lingo with all this moving stuff taking place), I'll hopefully have a contract by tomorrow. Why the rush? With all the mortgage mess with Freddy Mac and Fannie Mae, there is a great likelihood that rates will jump quite a bit this week. Best to try and lock in a low rate if I can!
Last but not least...movers come Thursday to pack and Friday to load. Ought to be interesting...I STILL don't have my travel orders. No travel orders = no hotel at the guv'ment rate. No hotel = sleeping on air mattress and sleeping bag over the weekend (well...not really. I'll probably crash over at the Clark's).
Dang. I've got a WHOLE LOT of stuff to take care of.
In the next three days.
While working day shifts.
Can you say small panic attack???
Blessed Assurance (Elevation nights version)
1 week ago
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