- I have signed a contract on a house and will (hopefully) close the first part of August. Only real problem was I missed getting low interest rates by ONE day (went from 6.125% to 6.75% in 5 hours the day I went in for my mortgage).
- Work is going well; I'm slowly getting settled in on what it means to be a shift supervisor. So much to learn in so little time. The "gang" that works here is great and it seems a bit more relaxed than in my previous office.
- Lubbock drivers STILL don't know how to drive, even after 5 years. Stupid college students talking on their cell phones and not watching out for other people. People forgetting that there is a nifty device called a turn signal that they can use when changing lanes. I just can't wait to see what it will be like the first heavy rain event or winter storm that blows through here...NOT!
- Living out of a hotel is great the first 4 days you are in one. After that it gets old. I don't have a real kitchen to cook in and frozen dinners are getting boring. The "continental breakfast" is nothing more than day old bread for toast, some bagels or English Muffins that don't fit in the toaster, and some kind of reconstituted fruit juices that are supposed to resemble apple or orange juice. I might have to learn how to drink coffee just to get something that tastes good in the morning.
- I thought the mosquitoes in the Top o' Texas were bad. Nope. This town has them worse. Getting out of your car and walking to the door at the hotel has caused me to sprint through hungry hoards of blood-sucking mosquitoes that were so thick you needed a light saber to cut through. Right now I count 7 itchy bumps from being outside for 15 minutes, one of which is on my cheek. Damn thing itches like mad!
Blessed Assurance (Elevation nights version)
1 week ago