I've been tagged by Whitlow (and apologies to those wanting an "in-depth" reply, I don't like too much of my personal info floating around on the net) . . .
1. Name: The Weatherman
2. Birthday: A somewhat long time ago...
3. Birthplace: Unfortunately not in Texas, but I got here as soon as I could!
4. Eye Color: Hazel
5. Hair Color: Brown with more and more Gray and less of it overall
6. Height: Tall Enough
7. Ethnicity: Why do people ask this question? Does it make a difference?
8. Weakness: Chocolate Chip cookies, Dublin Dr Pepper, pie
9. Most missed memory: research trip to Kwajalein and Hawaii - the white coral sand beaches, a month and a half of no school, beautiful sunsets, and good friends...
10. Thoughts first waking up: How much longer can I sleep in?
11. Last time you cried: It's been a while but I remember it was at a movie
12. Song title that currently says how you feel: Busy Child - The Crystal Method (I've got a LOT going on right now!!!)
13. What is the perfect day for you: Taking the Jeep up a trail into the mountains, making it to 12,000 feet or higher, spending the rest of the afternoon sitting by an alpine lake enjoying the crisp mountain air.
14. Ever been asked for an autograph? Yes, for some reason people automatically think I am on T.V. and want autographs!
15. How do you vent anger? I stew for a bit then either start walking or get in the car and drive.
16. Who do you talk to most on the phone? Here recently it has been my parents as we try to figure out plans for the holidays.
17. As a kid, were you a lego builder? Y E S! And I still pull them out every once in a while.
18. Do you chew on your straws? Only if I'm trying to get something out of my teeth.
19. Do you sing in the shower? Not Much.
20. Who's the last person you stayed up late talking to on the phone to? My friend Laura.
21. The last place you went to in a plane? Kansas City, MO
22. Do you cry at weddings? If it is a good friend, sometimes.
23. Are you afraid of the dark? Most of the time, no. However there are times I do hear something go bump in the night and wake up all disoriented. The curse of a light sleeper...
24. What are you addicted to? Chocolate Chip Cookies, Dr Pepper
25. Crunchy or creamy peanut butter? Creamy
26. Who do you fight with the most? Technically I don't "fight". but I do get into heated arguments at times with a couple of people at work.
27. Who can you tell anything to? My best friends (and that will leave you guessing!)
28. Do you recycle? Definitely, but the town I live in won't recycle certain things...sad.
29. Who makes you laugh the most? The Clark's always manage to have some story that cracks me up...
30. What is the worst feeling ever? Having to say goodbye to a loved one dying from Cancer...three of them.
31. How many pillows do you sleep with? Two.
32. How many rings before you answer your phone? I don't know...my phone doesn't ring anymore, it plays music so I usually pick up after the first couple of notes.
33. How many times do you press the "snooze" button? None usually...it goes straight off.
34. How do you sleep? In a bed, under some covers, with an electric blanket in winter.
35. Last time you laughed: Earlier this morning
36. Ever looked at someone ugly and said "EWWW"? No, but I do sometimes go "DANG!" in my mind...
37. What is your favorite color? Forest Green, no doubt!
38. What is your favorite state? Texas, always. Then Colorado. And I'd even have to say Wyoming is in there as well...
Now I get to tag...Emily, Leslie, and Brian! YOUR TURN!
Blessed Assurance (Elevation nights version)
1 week ago
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