Sunday Morning around 4 AM. That is when this most recent hell started. Something I ate disagreed with me prompting a quick scramble to the bathroom. Dunno what triggered this round of dysentery but it was one of the worst cases of food poisoning I have had. In a LOOOOOONG time. The second and third days were not too bad but then yesterday morning I felt like I had been thrown under the bus. I'll spare the details but it wasn't bad but not pretty at the same time. With most (suspected) cases of food poisoning, I usually feel better after a day or two. This time was different. After four days of dealing with whatever I came down with, I finally decided to go see a doctor.
See, I hate doctor visits. Needles and I are not good friends nor do I enjoy being poked and prodded (especially when I feel like the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man). When the nurse was in the exam room getting the vital stats, there was no cheery conversation; just answers of yes, no, I don't know, and other pertinent health info. Finally the doctor walked in and asked all the SAME questions over as the nurse apparently didn't enter them into the form properly. Bugs caught from camping or going out of the country were ruled out, but the Doc was concerned as I was running a 100-degree fever so there was some kind of infection I'm probably fighting. More tests and a prescription for antibiotics and hopefully I'll be on the mend. The only other issue was family genetics have finally caught up with me; when looking over my blood pressure he was concerned that it was high. This runs on my Dad's side of the family; but it also didn't help that I felt like crap AND had just come from my unnamed employer where I had just spent three hard hours trying to figure out what kind of products/advisories we should have out. Yeah, just a bit stressful at work this morning and afternoon so cut me some slack on the blood pressure levels. Try measuring again when I'm on a day off and have had a solid eight-hour sleep...
So, I came home and had a B.R.A.T.-style dinner with Gatorade and a bottle of water. I'm fixing to start the (apparently super-strong) antibiotics and go to bed. At 8:30 in the P.M. Hopefully I'll finally sleep through the night, wake up refreshed and feeling better, see no ice or snow on the ground, and can get to the e-mails that I've let pile up over the last 4 days. Sorry about that gents...amazing what a not-so-little stomach bug can mess up. I'm also tired of bland food; smelling co-worker's meals isn't fair to someone who cannot enjoy the tasty goodness of "real" food. When I finally kick this bug, it will be time for some serious TexMex to make sure it is totally gone!
Blessed Assurance (Elevation nights version)
1 week ago
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